Tuesday, October 23, 2012


1822- Louis was born at 2 am on December in Dole, France
1823- Louis is babtized
1825- Birth of Louis's sister Josephine
1826-The Pasteur family moves to Marnoz (Jura), where Jean-Joseph rents a tannery. Birth of Clermont-Ferrand of Marie Laurent, Pasteur's future wife. Birth of Louis Pasteur's sister, Emilie.
1827-The Pasteur family moves to a tannery on the banks of the Cuisance River at Arbois. Jean-Joseph buys this property in 1833 and lives there until his death.Louis Pasteur draws his first pastel at the age of 13 (Dessin et Pastels).
1829-Emilie contracts encephalitis, which leaves her permanently impaired.Student at École Primaire, Arbois.
1831- Pasteur enters primary school (Student at Collège d’Arbois).Pasteur witnesses the treatment of several victims of bites by rabid animals; the epidemic causes sixteen deaths in the region, four of them in the immediate vicinity of Arbois.
1838- Pasteur leaves for Paris in the company of his friend Jules Vercel; he is to continue his schooling as a boarding student at the Institution Barbet (3, impasse des Feuillantines). Suffering from extreme homesickness, he returns to Arbois by mid-November. On his return he executes his first pastels.
1839-Pasteur becomes a student in the final class of the collège royal of Besançon. Here he meets Jules Marcou and Charles Chappuis, son of hte notary of Saint-Vit.Student at Collège Royal de Besançon.
1840-Pasteur receive his bachelor of arts (Baccalaureate) degree at Besançon.Pasteur is appointed teaching assistant at the Besançon collège. At the same time, he pursues his studies of special mathematics.
1841- Pasteur fails the examination for the bachelor of science degree. He enrolls for a second year of special mathematics at Besançon
1842-Pasteur receives his bachelor of science (Baccalaureate) degree at Dijon, despite a mediocre grade in chemistry.He qualifies for the competitive entrance examination to the Ecole normale supérieure, but since he is ranked fifteenth of twenty-two candidates, he prefers not to take the oral examination and to put off a second attempt until the following year.He pursues his studies in Paris, residing once again at the Institution Barbet. At the same time he takes courses at the Lycée Saint-Louis and attends lectures of Jean-Baptiste Dumas at the Sorbonne.
1844- Louis attends Ecole normale
1848- His mother dies
1849- Pastuer marries Marie Lureunt
1850 to 1894- Multiple experiments on desieses and vaccinations to cure them.
1895- Pasture dies

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